
Been forever and a day since I last posted. Just wanted to give a review on the iPhone 4 with the Verizon network and some other tidbits about what's going on in my life.

First, I have become an iPhone junkie. It's apparently an inevitable symptom of having an iPhone. There are just so many apps to check out ya know?? Anyway, I'm quite satisfied with the way my phone works right now. I'm not too picky on glitches per se; all I care about is overall performance. I initially had some trouble with my texting and incoming phone calls due to a mixup that was made when I set up my plan and made my order. I went to a Verizon Wireless store, and was pleasantly surprised by the service that was provided. Immediately I was asked about what I came in for, and to wait for 10 minutes for the next available employee.  The guy who helped me was really nice and he knew exactly what he was talking about when we found out what the problem was. All in all, I'm quite pleased with Verizon right now; especially since I text my boyfriend more than anyone else at the moment and he's with Verizon as well.

As for how life is going, it's...well....going. We finally got the grave marker for my grandma a couple weeks ago, and I'm so relieved that it came out so nicely. I'll post a picture next time as it's currently 3:48 in the morning and I really need to get some rest soon. Work is a bit tiring as schedules get from worse to worse to better to worse. School is almost over and I'm actually excited about next semester. Hopefully I haven't jinxed myself to do terribly, although I don't believe in luck anyway.

Looks like that's about it for now. I'm currently addicted to quite a few apps on my phone, so if you'll excuse me, I'd like to continue down my journey to become a fully fledged iPhone zombie XD

Till next time!

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