Currently Reading: "Howl's Moving Castle"


That's the problem with books turned into movies.

Watching the movie first tends to permanently imprint in your mind what those characters look like and how the story progressed.

It's difficult to read the book after. Your mind is not blank and your imagination is limited to what you watched in the movie.

If you read the book first, you may not enjoy the movie as much because it does not match what you originally pictured in your mind.

However, I am focused in keeping my mind blank as I'm reading "Howl's Moving Castle."

Diana Wynne Jones has always been one of my favorite writers since I was in 4th grade.  The first book I read by her was "A Tale of Time City."  Seriously, get your hands on this book when you can because it is a thrilling story from the perspective of a trio of clever teenagers caught in the middle of the destruction of their world.

In "Howl's Moving Castle," the story revolves around a young woman named Sophie who has been burdened with a terrible curse from the evil Witch of the Waste: Sophie has been turned into an old woman.

Desperate to find some way to break the curse, Sophie runs away from her home at her late father's hat shop in Market Chipping. She doesn't get very far as the night gets colder and colder and her body aches from the pains of being a ninety year old woman. Just as she gives up hope in finding shelter for the night, she hears a strange noise and soon discovers that she has crossed paths with the giant moving castle of the evil wizard Howl.

And...that's where I left off last. Haha

It's a great read so far, and I hope you get a chance to read it! Till next time...

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