Please Lower The Level of Your Subtitles.

Ever watch a foreign movie?  Do you just put your movie on mute and read the subtitles the whole time? Or do you keep the movie's sound at normal level so you can hear what's going on in the background even just for the noise of someone's footsteps?

Especially in a suspenseful movie where people sneak up on each other and murder one another?

Imagine sitting in a room with a couple people sleeping, a few watching aforementioned movie, and the rest playing a board game. The two most annoying people playing the board game (when it ends) get up and start talking.

They talk, they talk, they talk. The movie ends.

The movie people start talking a little bit, and the board game people give them crap about it.

The movie people snap back by saying that if they let them finish talking then they'll just go to bed upstairs.

The board game people then harp about how the movie was loud (when it was turned up only  because they were talking too loud while playing the board game) even though it had subtitles.

Which comes back to my beginning questions, what is so bad about having common courtesy while someone is trying to watch a movie?  Who cares if it IS a foreign flick with subtitles?? What's wrong with having the sound on like normal people so you can hear what's going on besides just reading the lines?

But nooooooo, I'm still in my early twenties, I'm not married, I didn't accidentally get pregnant when I made all these plans to move from all the family that I know, and I think that me and my "honey-bear" are just the sexiest couple in the whole world.


I give up.

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