Stranger Things Have Happened.

It's been soooooo long since I've blogged about anything.

I have so many accounts on different sites it's getting more difficult to keep up!

I did a ranting blog a while back about my boyfriend's sister in law.

Well, things have not gotten better.

They were at their parent's house not too long ago; thank goodness I had the frame of mind to not be there.

All she talked about was her baby!

Now I understand that a new mom can be really excited, however, there are other things in life going on.

The fact that you think a babies vagina can also look like a  penis is beyond me, but at least try to contribute to other conversations.

My boyfriend tried talking about other things like movies, books, and video games, but every time she steered everyone back to babies.


And when they DID talk about a show (The Big Bang Theory) she just blurted out that she hates it because the people on the show are annoying.  That happened right when my boyfriend's dad (who loves the show btw) was quoting it.

Apparently, she doesn't like nerdy people who are actually funny.  She's not a nerd herself, though she thinks she is.

It's so aggravating to know that I have to deal with her for the rest of my life.  Lord, if You are teaching me patience, it's working.  Keep the patience coming though, because I know I wouldn't stand one second with her in the same room.

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