Moving Forward.

Bitter mindset creates a bitter person which in turn creates a bitter life.

I have been this person for the past year or so.

And I'm sick of it.

I've held so much resentment, hatred, and jealousy against this one person that it has all but consumed my life.

I know I will probably never like this person, but I cannot go on making them the center of my attention.

There are things in life way more important than that but I have been wasting my time and energy on such a horrible reason.

I blame Facebook. When did it become a standard of popularity? So what if you have so many "likes" or "comments" on your page? Does that define who you are and where you stand in the world? Thinking about that now, makes Facebook stalking so ridiculous and obsessive. What kind of life is that, that you are measured by the opinions of people on a social networking website?

I blame myself. Growing up has never been easy for me. I have always craved to know what it feels like to be liked by everyone and be the focus of their world. I realize it sounds weird and possibly narcissistic, but I am trying to vent out all these rooted feelings inside that need to be weeded out.

Anyway, that feeling will never happen to me. I don't understand why I want so much to be seen and heard and liked and loved in such great quantities. Like so many people in my generation, I could probably attribute it to "daddy issues." Never having had any attention or affirmation from my own father, I tend to seek it in greater amounts from others.

But where does blaming others get me? Nothing but more bitterness.

And so, I am going to do my utmost best to ignore all these negative emotions toward this person.  I know now that I am definitely NOT going to like it one bit. But it's better than the alternative of obsessing over them.

I mean, anyone and everyone I meet, I tell them about this person and how much I don't like them. If you've been reading my posts you would pretty much know who I'm talking about.

And I know I annoy so many people with my rantings and I know I rub them the wrong way whenever I talk about this person.  Sure, they agree with me, but it's not like it doesn't bother them a little that it's all that I talk about.

So, this is it. The beginning of my recovery to my normal level of narcissism and insanity. Whatever that may be.

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