She's At It Again.

I've miraculously managed to add another area of my body to my sister in law stress induced eczema breakout. That tallies the affected areas count to twelve. Oh joy.

This caused another conversation with the boyfriend related to said sister in law in which the words, "Need to move as far away from her as possible when we're married," came up frequently.

I desperately need a stronger cream to help get rid of this breakout. I used Elecon when I was younger but due to the potency of the chemicals, it was discontinued. I'm going to pray as much as I can that there is an alternative that I can get prescribed by my doctor. Which reminds me; I need to make an appointment ASAP.

When will we get a break from Sarah Jessica Parker's attention crazy twin?? I hope soon. Mind you, when I use Sarah Jessica Parker, I don't mean it as a compliment. Actually, it's to reference that she is an unattractive horse face; regardless of her talent or lack thereof.

This breakout has lasted FOR MONTHS. I've been in the "so over this" stage since she started showing her true colors a couple years ago and my body decides that NOW is a good time to let it physically show? Just my luck. Anyway, as Anne of Green Gables always said, "Tomorrow is a new day....fresh, with no mistakes." Yet.

Think I'm gonna drink an imaginary glass of fire whiskey (Harry Potter reference) and hope that this particular individual stops ruining everything for the entire world. I say imaginary both because I'm too lazy to get a glass of fire whiskey and also it doesn't exist where I can easily get a hold of it. Like the color purple. The actual color, not the play. Oh, and the family beach house, all holidays, and any chance of actually getting any of the family to like me more than her. By the way, I say imaginary fire whiskey both because I'm too lazy to get a glass of fire whiskey and also it doesn't exist where I can easily get a hold of it. That I know of.

Huzzah to people who make living just that much more fun. In reference to sister in law. Said no one ever.

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