
Unlike the Taylor Swift song of the same name, my "haunted" refers to the presence of a very unpleasant person in my life.

I've complained, moaned, grumbled, and annoyed the pants off you guys; and all for some smug, arrogant, untalented, snob who stomps around and towers over everyone like some amazon freak.

It's literally become mentally and emotionally exhausting to even give a minute of my time and energy to any thought of her. Mind you those thoughts usually include me punching the crap out of her and telling her what an awful person she is to her husband's family; especially his little brother and I. She constantly baffles me. I can't understand why such a mean, selfish person can get all the attention and not even care about anyone else but herself. How does that happen? Not to mention, she's completely whipped her husband, and convinced everyone around her that she's an "expert" on everything. In all honesty, she's an idiot and it won't be long till everyone else realizes it.

I've tried to let it go. I've tried to come to some realization as to how I really feel so as to give me some peace for once. Alas, I have had no such luck. Every time I try to find something good about her, or something about her that I hate that coincides with something I hate about myself, I end up getting annoyed with everything she's said and done and dislike her even more.

So why do I even bother posting anything more about her on here?

Well, as they say, if you don't like it, don't read it.

It's simple as that, really. When I started this blog, I wanted to use it to express my true feelings and unleash my inner demons; even at the risk of anyone reading it. And I will continue to do so, even if it's about her. I know it's not something anyone would really want to read, but it helps me to blow off steam.

And so, I apologize that you have to read this. I must seem like a broken record by now. Hopefully only for a little while longer.

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