Cloudy with a Chance of Pride and Stupidity.

"You can have no greater sign of confirmed pride than when you think you are humble enough."
- Law, "Serious Call," Cap XVI

"The real black, diabolical pride, comes when you look down on others so much that you do not care what they think of you."
- C.S. Lewis, "Mere Christianity"

I had the unfortunate experience of arguing with a terribly stubborn and prideful individual today about their conduct around friends; especially those whom their significant other wants to get along with. I admit, I'm not a very eloquent person, so I came off rather blunt and harsh.

The thing is, I apologized. Yet, this certain individual continued to pour on me the same sin I apologized for instead of owning up to the fact that no one approved of their relationship with their significant other or the way they acted around everyone.

It was an awful ordeal. And the only reason why I reached out to them was because of the pleading from the significant other. It literally broke my heart to have to tell them that it wasn't going to work out and that this fight was just getting worse and worse.

There ultimately was no end to the bickering and onslaught of petty insults thrown at me so I just decided to call this person out on it and end the conversation. I already knew that they would want to have the last word because they were so upset that someone thought ill of them. These types of behavior are very hard to reason with, and of course, this person had to have the last word no matter what I said to them. And so I let them have it. It didn't do anything for me to continue my efforts for a logical end to the matter.

You might all think I'm a terrible person when I say that I literally laughed out loud when they responded with a quick non-sensical remark. But you see, they just proved my point. And so I dropped it.

Now I have to deal with the ramifications of this argument and talk to the other half of the people involved. From all the mental pain and physical torment I've had to endure in similar situations such as this, I'm probably going to just let them yell at me for as long as they want.

Honestly, I'm so used to being the bad guy now. What with what happened with two other friends and my boyfriend's family; maybe that's something I should consider getting into. I could let people hire me to be the bad guy in every situation for them so they don't have to deal with their problems. I'll call it something like a "verbal punching bag for hire."

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