Great Expectations.

Why is it that our family and friends expect us to be at a certain part in life at every age?

"You should be done with school by now."

"You should have a career by now."

"You should be making enough money so you can retire at a young age."

"When are you going to get married?"

"Look at what so and so is doing."

"Look at what so and so has that you don't have."

It's quite irritating to hear all of these over and over again. I realize that, for the most part, the people who say these things are coming from a good place. However, I just wish that they would leave it alone. If I don't seem to want to talk about certain things in my life, then please don't continue to press my buttons. In fact, it makes me want to talk to you less. Yes, it's harsh, but I'm seriously sick of it. If I want to share something with you, I'll do it on my own; without your trying to goad me into it.

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