Regina George Much?

"You're just jealous."

That sentence is probably one of my least favorite, and there are quite a few out there that are much worse. However, I feel as if this one has more hurtful connotations than most because it does quite a lot of damage for such a short sentence.

So many things are said in those three words. To me, one of the things that comes to mind is that it signifies a kind of subtext that my life does not match up to theirs or whoever I'm allegedly jealous of. And that comes from comparing me to their standards of what they think I'm jealous of with them or the other person.

How would you know I'm jealous of you? What if I don't like your life choices or the way you treat people? What if I don't like you at all? What if I find your arrogant attitude disgusting? What if I confronted you about your attention seeking, superior complex behavior, but you're too proud to admit it so you tell everyone that I'm "just jealous" of you in order to justify your gross personality?

Of course, it's all subjective. We all assume things about each other without ever saying a word to one another.  You can explain away all you want that you're "very observant"or you've "never been wrong about anyone before", or "God spoke to you" about this person. In the end, they're all excuses that are used as shields to block people from seeing the truth about yourself.

And that's fine.

We live in an imperfect world with immortals who were sinners the day they were born. We are bound to have friction among us, and not get along with everyone. And that comes from difference of opinion, mentality, and many other superficial components that mean nothing in the long run. So why can't we get past the bickering and sneering and be in harmony with one another?

Because we're proud and selfish creatures. And though it's hard to see that in ourselves, we are probably more selfish than we even dare realize.

Yet we place certain people in our lives on pedestals that they have no business being on. No one deserves that kind of worship except for God. However, we continue to put those people higher than us and consider anyone who disagrees "jealous" and "inferior."

There is a very fine line between looking up to someone as a role model and idolizing them. Unfortunately, not many of us can tell the difference. Who else has been personally victimized by a Regina George in their lives?

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