Think Before You Share.

Why do people still display all their dirty laundry on social media? Does it make it easier to "put someone on blast" without having to actually talk to them?

It seems cowardly to me.

All those "subtle" hints that you're targeting someone in particular with your sharing of certain messages seems immature and petty. I was under the impression that people mature as they grow older, not more juvenile.

For example, someone posts a status or shares a picture stating something clearly directed toward an individual. Sometimes, it'll be specific and other times it will be vague. However, the point is that we are prideful creatures and will look anywhere for assurance and affirmation.

All of a sudden, it's a big deal when someone "likes" or "retweets" that thing you posted about "you know who." You feel better about yourself when your friends know who you're talking about, like your post, and/or leave comments about how right you are.

What happened to keeping your mouth shut, or better yet, speaking to the person you have an issue with?

I'm just as guilty as everyone else who's committed this crime. It gets us nowhere but somehow makes us even more malicious and vindictive toward this person. We continue to do more harm than good when that person sees your post and feels even more offended that you would share your problems with each other with the rest of the world.

I've done all these things; both on here and on my Twitter. I'm not proud of it, but it does make me feel better. Not because it will get attention but because it clears my mind. I've put a lot of my own dirty laundry on here, and it all comes from a very painful place in my heart. I have had so much hurt and injury done to me, that I sometimes feel like I'm drowning in it. This is one of the very few places where I can vent unhindered.

Thank God for His grace, mercy, and goodness. Without Him, I wouldn't even be able to realize this and work on it. I just wish other people would to the same. The world would be a better place if we just stopped hiding behind our social media profiles.

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