
Showing posts from October, 2013

Taking Pot Shots At Me, Are We?

"The way people treat you is a statement about who they are as a human being. It is not a statement about you." You're an arrogant, holier than thou, self-righteous bitch. That's a statement about you, Vanessa. I don't like you. That's a statement about me. Clearly, you don't know English very well. And you still think posting all these cute little sayings proves how much better you are than us? If anything, it shows that you are exactly the kind of person we describe you to be. In fact, you are worse than I thought. I truly feel sorry for you. You just don't understand that a whole group of people feel this way about you; not just one person. So stop trying to target me and realize that you really are the problem.

Feed Your Ego.

"She makes everything better." You know what really makes everything better? Not posting so many pictures of your cry baby. Seriously, I've said it before and I'll say it again: use your phone, email, or private message! Sharing all of your obnoxious comments and pictures of how perfect your baby is shows that it's more about you getting compliments than your family seeing the pictures. Your post, "I hope everyone understands why I do this so much" doesn't mask the fact that you are fishing for attention. You already don't get enough on your pathetic little vegan food blog so you turn to the people of Facebook who have nothing better to do but feed your ego. I feel so bad for you that you need that much attention. I hope to never be as desperate as you.

Quick Late Night Reflection

I really wish I didn't care about the stupid family stuff going on. It wastes my energy and makes me feel worse after. If only Vanessa wasn't such a holier than thou victim player. Seriously, if she would stop talking about how amazing she is at everything I might be okay with her. MIGHT. On a side not, I found it odd that her husband would bring their SICK baby to a party by himself and left early anyway. "Vanessa couldn't be here, she's sick." Strange. Why wouldn't you just come by yourself then if both of them are sick? My theory? He used the baby as an excuse to leave early. Whatever. It was a better night without her! I'm just glad we didn't have to hear the annoying "ooh-ing" and "ahh-ing" over their "perfect little miracle." Me and the other younger adults definitely had a better time without all that.

Notes to The Haters

"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." - Elie Wiesel "Many of us believe that wrongs aren't wrong if it's done by nice people like ourselves. " - Author Unknown “Self-righteousness is much like a spiritual egocentricity. It constitutes a secular type of love that thrives under conditionality, one in which is only existent after an individual meets the adopted standards of the condemner; oppositely, unconditional love is a holy love.” - Criss Jami, Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile “Time and time again does the pride of man influence his very own fall. While denying it, one gradually starts to believe that he is the authority, or that he possesses great moral dominion over others, yet it is spiritually unwarranted. By that point he loses steam; in result, he falsely b...

Same Song Second Verse

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway." Seriously, you keep posting all this stuff about not wanting anyone to judge you or sticking to your guns, then you turn right around and judge others while claiming that it's justified. From what I understand, that seems like a double standard to me. And pointing the finger at me continues. What else is new?

Michelle Phan a Phony

First rule of makeup is to always make sure everything you use is clean. I guess being a spokesperson for one of the most famous international makeup brands doesn't mean you have to follow that rule. Seriously, just watching her take that SAME tissue to the model's face disgusts me. I would never let her touch my face. Coupled with her ripped off ideas from other gurus and her use of botox and fillers, I've decided to unsubscribe from her channel. I don't want to watch the videos of someone who claims to embrace natural beauty and uniqueness and then goes against it in every way. It's sad and disappointing and I hope that her millions of followers come to realize what a terrible role model she is. Fame can change a person, and in her case, it definitely has. She is living the life every girl dreams of yet she has succumbed to its pressure and one of the greatest vices in the world; pride.

Funny Fridays.

"What if I told you... You don't have to agree with someone's way of life to treat them kindly." Posts the hypocrite that judges everyone's way of life. Oh the irony. Nice try, though, Vanessa. It's not easy playing the victim, but hey, you've played the arrogant holier than thou bitch role very well, so this shouldn't be too hard for you.

Ben Gets a Facelift

Follow the jump to read more about our new $100 bill!

Too Little Too Late

Are you seriously trying to suck up to me now? I wouldn't have cared that much before everything blew up, but now it just seems insincere; motivated by ulterior intentions. The heart of a fake smile is far more rotten than the heart of a hateful glare.

First Impressions: "Whodunnit"

After watching an episode of "Rookie Blue" on Hulu, I came across this show on the bottom of my screen where Hulu will put show suggestions that you might like. Out of curiosity, I decided to give it a try. If you haven't seen "Whodunnit," the first thing need to know is that it's a murder-mystery game show. Yes, you read that correctly. ABC has somehow been able to combine the suspense from murder-dramas and the competitiveness from game shows. If you want to go a step further, you could possibly say that it's similar "Clue" and "The Apprentice." The show starts out with 13 contestants who have been brought to Rue Manor to possibly win $250,000. The way they move on in each episode is that they have to solve a mystery/puzzle that is presented to them by a character known only as The Killer. I will admit, it starts out a bit campy, but you need to wait till the end of the first episode to see what I'm talking about. ...

Movie Remake of Classic Broadway Musical "Annie"

Quvenzhane Wallis as Annie Jamie Fox as Daddy Warbucks Not completely sure how I feel about this. I'm all for diversity in the movie industry; that's not the issue I have with this. The real issue here is that Cameron Diaz is playing Miss Hannigan. A role that was made famous by the incredibly talented Carol Burnett! I really hope you guys can understand where I'm coming from when I say that casting Cameron for that role seems like an absolutely terrible idea. I mean, I'm willing to be proven wrong, but I just don't see that happening! If you've never seen the 1982 version with Carol Burnett, here's a clip.

Clara C and World Vision

Loving this song Clara wrote about a child she's sponsoring through World Vision.