Michelle Phan a Phony
First rule of makeup is to always make sure everything you use is clean. I guess being a spokesperson for one of the most famous international makeup brands doesn't mean you have to follow that rule.
Seriously, just watching her take that SAME tissue to the model's face disgusts me. I would never let her touch my face.
Coupled with her ripped off ideas from other gurus and her use of botox and fillers, I've decided to unsubscribe from her channel. I don't want to watch the videos of someone who claims to embrace natural beauty and uniqueness and then goes against it in every way. It's sad and disappointing and I hope that her millions of followers come to realize what a terrible role model she is.
Fame can change a person, and in her case, it definitely has. She is living the life every girl dreams of yet she has succumbed to its pressure and one of the greatest vices in the world; pride.