Ingenuine Apologies.

I don't believe you. You tell Jenny, me, and all these people that you're just misunderstood; that you have good intentions and that you genuinely care about getting to know me, Zack, and everyone else.

Posting what you did on Facebook today just proved that you only care about yourself and preserving your image.

I suppose I was hoping that you'd at least own up to your mistakes and take proper responsibility for your behavior. I guess I was hoping for too much. All you're doing is trying to divert blame onto me. How is that just or right?

And that is another reason why I don't trust your words.

You did something wrong. Apologize for that. Don't try to sell me your misunderstood crap because that won't work. It's dishonest and incredibly manipulative for you to even think you can get away with that.

So no, I will never be your "sister." And definitely not, will Zack ever be your "brother."

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