Not Your Usual Things To Be Thankful For (Thanksgiving)

Besides the historical significance of this wonderful, annual holiday, my family has always thought of Thanksgiving as a day to remember and reflect on all of God's blessings. Over the years, I've come to realize that there is sometimes a kind of pomp and circumstance with the going around the table and saying a few things you're thankful for. This year, however, I want to make a list of things I am most grateful for; things that God has put into my life and things that He has taken away. It's not in any particular order and I invite you to do the same.

Just keep in mind that it's not about showing off or trying to make your list look better than anyone else's. It's to give you something to reflect on and to remind yourself that everything comes from God. Whether it was good or bad, He placed these things in your life for a reason and they all have helped to make you the person you are today.

And so, here's my list of things I'm thankful for: (I used the number 22. Feel free to use any number you want. There is no such thing as too many things to be grateful for!)

1) I am thankful for my boyfriend, Zack. He has taught me patience; he has humbled me; he has given me strength when I felt weak; he has been my reason and conscience in many situations; and I am blessed beyond words to have him in my life.

2) I am thankful for God giving us a new home. It has been a difficult year for my family, but God always provides. He gave us a new home exactly when we needed it and that truly was a miracle.

3) I am thankful for living in this country. Even though life here is not the most ideal, God has still continued to give me more than I need everyday. I have freedom, and that is already more than what millions of people overseas can say.

4) I am thankful for my grandma. It will be three years since she passed, but her mark on my life is as fresh as ever. She embedded God's teachings and promises in my heart and in so many of my family members. I'm even more thankful that He took her when He did. She is no longer in pain and is now resting in His presence.

5) I am thankful for the artistic talent and the passion for what I do that God has given me.

6) I am thankful for the clean, drinking water that I have every day.

7) I am thankful for all the opportunities that God has given me and all the ones that He has yet to put in my life.

8) I am thankful for my sister, Raissa. Being her sister has not been the easiest, but it has taught me a lot about understanding people with mental and physical conditions and to give them the love and guidance that they deserve.

9) I am thankful for my church. My pastor is a true man of God who seeks to do God's will and who loves on my family whenever he can. All of the staff reflect God's love in their work and the congregation truly represents what heaven will look like. Diverse and thirsty for the Lord's Word.

10) I am thankful for God's Word, the ability to read it, and the freedom to have it.

11) I am thankful for my true friends. They lift me up when I need it, and they have been a part of the most amazing moments I've ever had.

12) I am thankful for my mom. She is the core of my family and without her, we would surely fall apart.

13) I am thankful for my cousin, Dayne. She has been my role model as long as I can remember. She always reminds me that she supports me no matter what and that I should always strive to put 100% in  whatever I'm passionate about.

14) I am thankful for my health. Even if God will change that in the future, I will still be thankful. He has given me a wonderful life and I couldn't ask for anything more.

15) I am thankful for my backbone. I had to learn to stand up for myself the hard way, but it's better late than never right? I no longer allow people to walk all over me or treat me like I'm pushover.

16) I am thankful for my theater teachers in college. They taught me more about life than just about the stage. And that's something that I can take with me wherever I go.

17) I am thankful for the new friends I have made this year. They have helped me to mature, seek new ventures, and give me advice when I need it the most.

18) I am thankful for this blog. When I started, I called it my "little corner" of the internet. Though it is not much, it has given me the outlet to funnel my feelings and thoughts whenever I felt suffocated and trapped. Without this blog, I would never have come to any the realizations I had the past few years.

19) I am thankful for the job experience I had in the food industry. I feel like everyone should have that experience because it teaches you so much about what the employees have to go through. It also gives you a more understanding and compassionate heart and I think everyone can greatly benefit from that.

20) I am thankful for the celebration of Thanksgiving and what it stands for. For 364 days of the year, we live our lives as if we are always guaranteed tomorrow. This day gives us the opportunity to really show gratitude to God for all the blessings He has given each of us.

21) I am thankful for the soldiers stationed both overseas and here that are not able to be with their families this Thanksgiving Day. They are the reason why we have so much freedom. And the least we can do to honor them is to take a moment to pray for their safety and ask God to bless them and their families.

22) I am thankful for God always providing more than enough food for me and my family. There are so many families that live with so little. I am beyond blessed to have never gone to bed hungry or have malnutrition.

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