Donald Glover's Reasons for Leaving "Community"

When I heard that Donald Glover was leaving "Community," I thought it was because he was going to focus more on his rap career. I thought it was all for music and him going on to bigger and better things; until I read Donald Glover's Instagram Posts today.

Needless to say, I felt sorry for the guy. There have been so many times in my own life when I've said many of the things he wrote in those posts.

We all hit a rough patch here and there. It's kind of inevitable sometimes. For some of us, when we hit our rock bottom, it brings us down to a place we don't know how to get out of.

I don't know him personally, but whatever happens, I really hope that he won't stop being the amazing, talented artist he is.

And maybe that's what he needs; people to tell him how blessed and fortunate he is. Because even when you think you may have it all, you don't.

God can give you everything you want in life, and just as easily take it away in the blink of an eye.

I guess it's how we all react to it, that shows us what we're made of.

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