Leave Us Alone.

Someone found this blog. Someone I've talked about before on this blog.

I said it a while back and I'll say it again, it doesn't bother me.

What I wrote is based on true feelings from past experiences; not because I love to cause drama everywhere I go. So I don't regret making any feelings I have against you known on here.

People seem to have no problem telling me how they feel about something. Somehow, they don't expect me to be offended by any of it. They expect me to react the they way they want me to. Why? Because they think their moral standard is higher than mine. Because they can make all the excuses in the world to prove they can say whatever they want with no consequences.

Everyone has a right to their own opinion. But don't think that because you get to exploit that on me in an unsavory way, I won't repay you in kind.

Also, I don't write about you because of just one thing that happened. It's not that easy for me to dislike someone because of a single indiscretion.

There's actually a long list of reasons, but I see no need for me to explain myself anymore. We all know there's no point. You've all clearly established that I'm the bad guy, and that you're just victims of my "manipulative behavior." But of course, you're good people. All you want to do is do everything you can to fix this mess.

Well, the reality is, we don't live in a world of "what if." We can't turn back the clock.

The only thing that can happen is that we all move forward.

My only wish is that I move forward without any of you harassing us or attacking us because your pain matters more than ours.

At the end of the day, I don't answer to anyone else except God. I may not be a perfect human being or a very good Christian, but when it comes to how I feel about you, my conscience is clear. Maybe yours is clear too. But the fact of the matter is, we don't like you, and nothing is going to change that.

So stop trying to be nice. Stop trying to fix it. Stop trying to make us feel guilty.

Just leave us alone.

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