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Showing posts from October, 2008
no way...
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Okay, this may seem REALLY REALLY REALLY juvenile (considering that I'm in college now), but I just received thEE most dramatic news in Faith Baptist history...well. I don't know that for sure, but it's pretty crazy. All right, you ready? GET THIS. Julieanne RASMUSSEN got expelled! Seriously! One of their own!! The Pastor's KID!! And for what heinous act has this girl been punished for??? What you prod??? A BOY. That's right. For doing "something" ( we know not) that deserved the ultimate punishment: EXPULSION. Now, my head is totally spinning, so I'll post more later. But on a lighter note: I've resolved to DEFINITELY find a job so that I can buy as much clothes as I can. Because God knows I love fashion and I'd like to lean on my own finances to do so. So if any of you reading this have a job opening you heard about in the West Hills/Canoga Park/Woodland Hills area, I'd be very appreciative! Alright folks!! PEACE!!
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I honestly don't know what to put here right now. I guess I'm just filling in space so that I don't skip too many days. hahaa...if you're reading this, I'm so sorry. total waste of time, my friend!! Unless of course you don't mind reading random things on blogs, then it's perfectly fine. To put somewhat of a subject on this, in a matter of minutes, I'm going to be debating on karma and reincarnation and why both do not make sense. HOPEFULLY, I won't be forgetting all the things I learned over the week. Anyway, put more later!!! PRAY FOR ME!!!!!! Hope you all have a blessed day!
Gay Bashing? I think not..
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I read this on my pastor's blog this morning and personally, I agree with him. And I'm not trying to bash homosexuals. I love them, and all other kinds of people...because that's what God calls us to do; to love. And I really do sincerely mean it. I always get frustrated and cry over the fact that people think I'm being negative about gays and lesbians. Let me set the record straight. I'M NOT. Far from it. Just now, my mom told me that someone tossed our "Vote YES on Prop 8" sign in our backyard. My dad had placed it in the front and it's OBVIOUS people don't like it. But where's the free speech in this??? Homosexuals and Pro-Choice people can openly say what they want, but we can't? I CAN'T?? I find this to be a fallacy...CIRCULAR REASONING. Please don't misunderstand and don't misconstrue what I've said. It really breaks my heart when things like this happen. So please, keep reading. My pastor's blog rea...
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Well...I did it. I emailed Blake. Hopefully, I'll get a "Whoops, sorry about that. I meant somebody else whose name starts with 'S'." And I'll say, "No problem! Just wondering! See you at rehearsal on Tuesday!" My goodness, I'm just a magnet for embarrassment sometimes, huh? Well, MOST of the time, I mean. And now, I have to go see a man about a wallabe EW
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You know that feeling when it's like everything is going wrong? When life just SUCKS DIRT?? Yea, I'm there. Haha, that sounded like the State Farms commercial. But it's true for this blue duck. I'm not exactly doing that well in English, and I'm in a singing group that I didn't even audition for. ODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDAH. And I just KNOW I'm going to fall flat on my face. Anyway, I'll vent later. Watching Season 3 of Veronica Mars ^_^ WHOOO HOO!