
Showing posts from November, 2013

Not Your Usual Things To Be Thankful For (Thanksgiving)

Besides the historical significance of this wonderful, annual holiday, my family has always thought of Thanksgiving as a day to remember and reflect on all of God's blessings. Over the years, I've come to realize that there is sometimes a kind of pomp and circumstance with the going around the table and saying a few things you're thankful for. This year, however, I want to make a list of things I am most grateful for; things that God has put into my life and things that He has taken away. It's not in any particular order and I invite you to do the same. Just keep in mind that it's not about showing off or trying to make your list look better than anyone else's. It's to give you something to reflect on and to remind yourself that everything comes from God. Whether it was good or bad, He placed these things in your life for a reason and they all have helped to make you the person you are today. And so, here's my list of things I'm thankful for...

Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball (Chatroulette Version)

I haven't been feeling very good the past few days. This video definitely had me laughing all the way through!

"My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less."

Even with all the chaos going on in my life, I will "rest in His unchanging grace."

Homeless Man Becomes a Part of Music Video.

Watch the video below. It's the most inspirational thing I've seen in a long time. Be blessed.

Costco Labeled Bible as Fiction.

Follow the jump to see what one pastor found in a Costco in California!

Rainy Weather Music.

Something to listen to during the upcoming holidays and especially in this beautiful rainy day weather :)

Best Voicemail Ever.

Things that happen in Texas are pretty amazing.

The Green Monster in Us All.

I've been going on this anti-social media rant for a while now. For the most part, it's been a huge relief to express the way I feel. Instead of my usual outbursts of resentment and frustration, I now see how beneficial it is to organize my thoughts and to intelligently (to the best of my ability) convey them the way I want. With the way I was blogging for the past year, I realized that I sounded more like a little kid stomping my feet at the slightest sight of anything to do with my boyfriend's mom or sister in law. And to everyone who was reading all of that, I was seen as some jealous, lonely nobody with a grudge against a seemingly fine group of people. For me, going through a lot of emotional and mental stress wasn't something that could be swept away because these people called me, "jealous." The issues I have with these people are far more serious, and it took me a while to figure out that they are never going to go away. There will always be the ...

Oversharing Comic.

Just something funny I saw while perusing the interwebs. Especially with what I've been talking about for the past couple days.

I Heard It Through The Passive Aggressive Grapevine.

I have had more than my fair share of committing this "social media sin" on Facebook, Twitter, and Blogger. I have gotten so upset at certain people that I outright post their names and their crimes against me for everyone to see; at least on Blogger anyway. However, the relief is shallow and the hurt, anger, and resentment come back even worse than before. It boggles my mind that a society as advanced as ours in communication and technology lacks the abilities to speak honestly and openly with the people who affect us in certain ways. That being said, I do feel that we can learn a lot about a person when it comes to a particular combination of certain people and certain passive aggressive posts. For example, for the past year and a half, I have seen my boyfriend's sister in law post myriads of things against me disguised and tucked away in the passive aggressive messages she has shared on Facebook. The picture on the left is one of these e-cards that she has po...

Over-sharing Movement.

A few months back, I went to a special event with my cousin and little sister. We got to meet some very famous people and see some incredible exhibits. For every "Facebook" and "Instagram" moment, I pulled out my camera and took as many pictures as possible. After a while, I noticed that whenever I asked my cousin if she wanted to be in a picture, she would say, "That's okay. I don't need a picture to remember a day like this." Once I got home and started uploading my pictures to my laptop, I realized what she meant. It's no longer about keeping those precious moments in our lives preserved to cherish on your own; it's more about displaying them to boost your pride; to show everyone what a great life you're having. We are more focused on acquiring attention and reaction to what we say and do in this day and age. Our lives feel more gray and less exciting if we don't have someone telling us how amazing and great we are on a dai...

Ingenuine Apologies.

I don't believe you. You tell Jenny, me, and all these people that you're just misunderstood; that you have good intentions and that you genuinely care about getting to know me, Zack, and everyone else. Posting what you did on Facebook today just proved that you only care about yourself and preserving your image. I suppose I was hoping that you'd at least own up to your mistakes and take proper responsibility for your behavior. I guess I was hoping for too much. All you're doing is trying to divert blame onto me. How is that just or right? And that is another reason why I don't trust your words. You did something wrong. Apologize for that. Don't try to sell me your misunderstood crap because that won't work. It's dishonest and incredibly manipulative for you to even think you can get away with that. So no, I will never be your "sister." And definitely not, will Zack ever be your "brother."

Sweetie and the 1,000 Pedophiles She's Captured.

Help stop webcam child sex tourism! Watch the video and check out   to sign the petition. We need more awareness about the sexual abuse of children both overseas and here in our country. With this organization's special program, we can finally start putting these people behind bars and make them pay the price for what they do to kids all over the world.

Floating in Limbo

Not sure how I feel right now. My head is a mix of relief, frustration, and disappointment. A lot of things were said tonight; some were helpful; some were worrying. On the one hand, Zack and I were able to express how we feel about Vanessa and Alex. To the best of our abilities we conveyed how much we dislike the treatment we've received from them. For some reason, we were called (in a passive aggressive kind of way) jealous, and told that our feelings may be somewhat misplaced; perhaps because we are not happy with where our lives are. Something Zack and I were offended at and immediately addressed. On the other hand, it felt as if we weren't completely understood because Jenny kept defending Vanessa; almost to a fault. Then she and Larry proceeded to tell us how much they love us and wouldn't talk about this if they didn't care. I'm so confused by that. See, the way I view what people say (and I need to observe this in myself more) usually includes me m...

Straws and Camel Backs.

These days, I feel more and more like some depressing, broken record. I can't even count how many times I've tried to completely vent my inner frustration and resentment anymore. Whenever I think I may be able to get past it, something happens and I'm back to feeling the same way all over again. It's not healthy. For some reason, God is allowing this to happen. I have an idea as to why, but at the rate this whole thing is going, I may never really know. I realize that I have to be accountable for what happened to a certain degree; however, Vanessa, Alex, and Jenny don't seem to see it that way. In their eyes, Vanessa is completely innocent and misunderstood; no one knows her side of the story. They see me and Zack as the ones who caused the whole thing to happen, because Vanessa's side is the only thing they want to see. Another thing wrong with their view is that Vanessa and Alex have disillusioned Jenny into thinking that the incident is t...