It's Just A Jump To The Left.
Just watched the Rocky Horror episode of Glee a couple days ago. I actually didn't like it that much. For some reason, I'm feeling more and more detached from the characters and the music they're performing. Huh. Weird. Halloween's coming up tomorrow. Not sure if I actually want to do anything. The only thing I can think of doing is just seeing my friends. I don't want to drink. I don't want to party. I don't want to dress like a slut; even though the occasion calls for it. It's been days since I really posted something. Reason being that life has sucked more than my Xbox skills lately. REALLY SUCKED. I don't like letting people know how much it affects me. I'm pretty sure a lot of people think I'm weak. If you asked my friends, I'm certain they'd tell you that I become an emotional wreck rather quickly. It's just...I feel so vulnerable right now. So broken. I think that's the way God wanted me to be. So He ca...