
Showing posts from June, 2009

Fed Up

Now I see. Now I get it. It all makes sense now. You all don't give a crap, do you? Sure, you'll say some nice things. You'll say you'll pray for me. You'll give me a hug. You'll give me a verse to memorize. But you can't fool me. None of you can. You jerks should all know...that I can read if a person is being sincere or not. It's not in the way you speak, or the way you look at me. I won't even tell you how I know. But the point is, I'm fed up with all your crap. You think I want a pity party? You think I want your sympathy? I just want you to be able to hear me out and really BE THERE for me. I blog. I email. I text. I talk on the phone. But it makes no difference! No amount of your empty words will ever make me believe you. Because if there's one thing about me that I'm really good at, it's being sincere. It's not like some skill I picked up. I can't just pull it out of a hat. No, it's ALWAYS real. ...

Running With Little Hope of Stopping

Don't read about that Bible passage I posted a while ago...I know that I said I would blog about it, but right now..I neither have the heart, or emotional stamina to talk about that. In fact, these past few months, I've just been running away from God. I've been running away from the fact that I've been doing so many things wrong. So many things...and I've been in denial about it. But now that my world has come to a train crashing halt, I've had to force myself to take a hard look at my life. I haven't cried yet. Crying makes my face look all puffy and when I cry at night, I can't open my eyes the next day. Basically, crying makes me look like I have the mumps, so I try to avoid doing it as much as possible. But it's been a while since I've had a good, long, chest heaving cry. I'm overdue, actually. But what to do??? If I had a sit down with you and told you all the things that has happened to me in the past few months, you would mos...

Listen Up YOU

Alright, before I address that passage I posted early this morning, can I just vent a tiny bit?? NEVER, in my 19 years as a homosapien have I ever been so confused, pissed off, and hungry all at the same time. Well, the last one is practically constant since I do need sustenance everyone now and then. However, I have never felt this this DEGREE!!!! I got a message on facebook around 12:30 in the morning..and a poor bystanding pillow had to endure my screaming into it. You know what??? HERE. Just read it for yourselves. It pertains to that incident I posted about a couple weeks ago. Here's what SHE put. "hey its been a while now...i was wondering if you have some sort of money to pay me back yet?...i'm sending this to you on facebook since you don't seem to respond to calls and i can't force you to sign a promissory note if you don't want to i'll just have to rely on you honesty that you plan to pay me back without cheating me" Sec...

Tell Me The Truth

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with wom...

A New Kind of Wicked

Alright, so I've been typing about myself for the last few days, and that's just plain selfish of me. Even though...this is MY blog. Well anyway, I just wanted to vent a little bit about some things that have been going on in the Bravo household. Prepare for the ultimate soap opera!!!!!!!!!!!! See, my uncle and his wife (we'll call them Frank and Mary) came from the Philippines to stay with us until they were able to become US citizens. It's been 9 months since then, and HOLY HOT CHEETOS was it awful. Let me give you a little more background about the situation. See, Frank married young and had a son. Unfortunately his wife divorced him and moved here to the States. 32 years later, he marries again. This time, it's a 26 year old named Mary. DO THE MATH HERE PEOPLE!! Frank's pushing 60 at this point. Even his son is older!!! But Mary has no clue about guys, so she follows what her friend Trixie says and just goes along with the wedding. It's been ...