
Showing posts from September, 2013


My boyfriend and I had a fight recently. It was a silly fight, but in all of the bickering, he told me something that made my blood boil. His mom STILL interrogates him every day about the whole "Vanessa and Alex" thing and about the only thing on her mind other than their stupid baby; his debt. I wonder if she reads my blog. I hope so. Because then she really wouldn't have an excuse for this ridiculous behavior. She's caused him never want to be home or around them at all. If she's reading this, she may now think that I'm the one who's making him think and feel this way. If I was a cold-hearted she-demon, that might be true. However, I'm not. She may try to argue that, but at the end of the day, I'm not the one who's pushing Zack away and causing him to hate her. From what he told me, she's the reason why he gets home so late and sleeps in late the next day. He wants to avoid her at all costs, because even if the truth was t...

Dreams Come True for Karrie Brown

Follow the jump to read more about 17 year old Karrie Brown, an aspiring model with Down Syndrome.

The Amazing Chocolate Bar

I love hearing stories about how a kid is changing the world. This one is about a 7 year old kid named Dylan who wanted to help his sick friend find a cure for his rare disease. He wrote a special book called "Chocolate Bar" that has raised $400,000 and give hope to his friend and many others afflicted with the disease. Follow the jump to find out more about Dylan and how you can help!

Blackmarket Fastpass

Follow the jump to read what Disney has decided to do against wealthy families hiring disabled people to get to the front of the lines in all of their parks.

"It's Not Because We're Happy and Fulfilled."

Follow the jump and see what comedian Louis C.K. says about the use of smart phones and how they affect our lives and the lives of our children. I'm not a huge fan of him, but he makes some really good points. It's just sad to see him talk about the "forever empty" and filling it, when the only one who can do that is Jesus.

Regina George Much?

"You're just jealous." That sentence is probably one of my least favorite, and there are quite a few out there that are much worse. However, I feel as if this one has more hurtful connotations than most because it does quite a lot of damage for such a short sentence. So many things are said in those three words. To me, one of the things that comes to mind is that it signifies a kind of subtext that my life does not match up to theirs or whoever I'm allegedly jealous of. And that comes from comparing me to their standards of what they think I'm jealous of with them or the other person. How would you know I'm jealous of you? What if I don't like your life choices or the way you treat people? What if I don't like you at all? What if I find your arrogant attitude disgusting? What if I confronted you about your attention seeking, superior complex behavior, but you're too proud to admit it so you tell everyone that I'm "just jealous" ...

Pot and Kettle; Log and Sawdust.

Going off of a previous entry about posting things directed at certain people, I felt that I really needed to share this with all of you. The reason why is because I've definitely had to learn to bite my tongue when talking about others while giving myself the benefit of the doubt. Reading all of these quotes has humbled me and made me realize that I need to apply this with everyone I meet. “Time and time again does the pride of man influence his very own fall. While denying it, one gradually starts to believe that he is the authority, or that he possesses great moral dominion over others, yet it is spiritually unwarranted. By that point he loses steam; in result, he falsely begins trying to prove that unwarranted dominion by seizing the role of a condemner.”   ―  Criss Jami ,  Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfis...

Think Before You Share.

Why do people still display all their dirty laundry on social media? Does it make it easier to "put someone on blast" without having to actually talk to them? It seems cowardly to me. All those "subtle" hints that you're targeting someone in particular with your sharing of certain messages seems immature and petty. I was under the impression that people mature as they grow older, not more juvenile. For example, someone posts a status or shares a picture stating something clearly directed toward an individual. Sometimes, it'll be specific and other times it will be vague. However, the point is that we are prideful creatures and will look anywhere for assurance and affirmation. All of a sudden, it's a big deal when someone "likes" or "retweets" that thing you posted about "you know who." You feel better about yourself when your friends know who you're talking about, like your post, and/or leave comments about how r...

Thunderclap It.

I love it when someone comes up with an incredible idea that could change how the world works. And this is probably one of the best ones I've seen in a long time. Phonebloks is that idea. It stems from the concept that if we can just replace the parts in our phones that don't work with parts that do work, we would waste less and have more flexibility to customize our phones to our wants and needs. Bigger battery, speaker, camera, storage; you name it! Check out the website and watch the video. See for yourself the great potential of this idea and the amazing things that could happen because of it. If you want to support Phonebloks, make sure to share it on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Tumblr. Don't forget to tell your friends and family!

So High School.

People need to stop asking me for advice; especially if they're going to just do the exact opposite of what I say and then make me the bad guy when I call them out on it. It's hilarious. If I really wanted to be the center of needless, petty drama, I'd surround myself with campy reality television. And so I'm not going to get involved anymore. There are more important things in life than the stupidity of 19 year olds who make selfish decisions based on shallow intentions. Like the war in Syria. Like how Obama, his family, and Congress made a bill that says they don't have to use the universal healthcare that the rest of us will be getting. Like the 3 year old girl who accidentally killed herself in Yellowstone. Like the 4 porn stars that tested positive for HIV. Honestly, I'd really like to shake off these high school problems. This shouldn't even be happening to me anymore -______-

The Itch.

The past two weeks have been absolutely dreadful. My eczema on my left arm has gotten even worse and the small patch on my upper right arm has grown. Today, I caught myself scratching so much that I drew blood. DISGUSTING. The hydrocortisone isn't enough anymore. It barely does anything. Between the burning from the open sores I've created and the unbearable itchy sensation, I basically resemble a heroine addict. I know people have noticed and it honestly doesn't bother me too much anymore. All the stress, emotional roller coasters, and mental exhaustion have continued to solidify their physical manifestations on my body. I feel more self conscious about myself at times, and at others, I could care less. The eczema has spread to my upper thighs now. It's not too bad at the moment, but I know with every situation that becomes a struggle for me, it will become even worse. It really is only a matter of time. I want to so badly go to the doctor, but you know imm...

Great Expectations.

Why is it that our family and friends expect us to be at a certain part in life at every age? "You should be done with school by now." "You should have a career by now." "You should be making enough money so you can retire at a young age." "When are you going to get married?" "Look at what so and so is doing." "Look at what so and so has that you don't have." It's quite irritating to hear all of these over and over again. I realize that, for the most part, the people who say these things are coming from a good place. However, I just wish that they would leave it alone. If I don't seem to want to talk about certain things in my life, then please don't continue to press my buttons. In fact, it makes me want to talk to you less. Yes, it's harsh, but I'm seriously sick of it. If I want to share something with you, I'll do it on my own; without your trying to goad me into it.
“Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man... It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Once the element of competition is gone, pride is gone.” - C.S. Lewis I had to learn this a long time ago. Sometimes, I find myself having to learn it all over again.
I would never have thought that I'd end up with this amazing guy. He has taught me so much; how to be more patient, loving, and understanding in relationships. God couldn't have given me a better man to be with and I am thankful for every day that we grow closer to Him and to each other. Our three year anniversary is coming up in a couple weeks and I cannot wait to do something special together! Even though his family is trying to make us break up, we have continued to push forward and ignore the negativity we've gotten from them. It's been really difficult because the stress of it all has weighed heavy on both of us. There were times when we'd forget about caring for and supporting each other because we were giving our problems more power and control in our lives. Not anymore. We love each other now more than ever and there is nothing that can separate us.

Cloudy with a Chance of Pride and Stupidity.

"You can have no greater sign of confirmed pride than when you think you are humble enough." - Law, "Serious Call," Cap XVI "The real black, diabolical pride, comes when you look down on others so much that you do not care what they think of you." - C.S. Lewis, "Mere Christianity" I had the unfortunate experience of arguing with a terribly stubborn and prideful individual today about their conduct around friends; especially those whom their significant other wants to get along with. I admit, I'm not a very eloquent person, so I came off rather blunt and harsh. The thing is, I apologized. Yet, this certain individual continued to pour on me the same sin I apologized for instead of owning up to the fact that no one approved of their relationship with their significant other or the way they acted around everyone. It was an awful ordeal. And the only reason why I reached out to them was because of the pleading from the significant oth...